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Sharing. Caring. Answers. Cure. 

This site serves a specific purpose. There are numerous, thousands, of people globally who are posting for answers and help on every outlet online. One person posts and hundreds comment with the same problem. Only by coming together to one central site can all of the data be collected. When one person asks for answers it does not have the same impact as thousands standing together as one voice. We want someone to listen to us, try to figure out what this is with whatever tests there are, and change the way this is treated from that day forward. With the technology that exists in this world, there is no excuse for the years of suffering we have experienced. Had I been treated when I had three open sores, I’d have three scars. Now I’m scarred from head to toe, among other things. None of this had to happen and we should all share everything we know to get that one big voice ready for change. I won’t stop and I hope you don’t, either. Join me in this fight. Share with others who need help. Let this be your one stop for information gathering and sharing. 

Our Core Initiatives

Empowering change for a brighter tomorrow


Every Google image search takes me to yet another social media application with more people commenting they have the same thing. This site invites all of you to share here in one supportive community. No one is alone. 

Investigation, Research, Identification

Each person sees things a different way. Gathering these many observations, photos, videos, we can possibly come closer to an answer for what is trying to destroy our lives. 

Health &

Share what has and has not worked for you. We all have different genetic makeups and co-infections or diseases. Thus, what works for one may not for another. 
key things not left to question: diet must be followed, stress reduced, immune system boosted. 
We must get stronger than them!

Identify Helpful Resources

If you have a helpful doctor, please tell us. If you had a bad experience with a doctor, please tell us. 
if there are any people, websites, books, or documentaries that would be a good resource, please tell us!

Connecting People and Gathering Data

Ensuring change for the future generations where we have been treated unethically. 

Every time I do a Google lens search on something I’m taken to yet another social media forum post with numerous comments. Whether it’s Reddit or Quora or Facebook, it’s impossible to gather data to see what is the same, what isn’t. The only way to get the data necessary is to invite everyone to one site to share that information. 

By gathering together we can also show how big of a problem this is, where, how long, etc. With this information we must stand together for change. I imagine my grandchild one day at the doctor’s office for a skin rash, only to be told she’s mentally unhealthy in any way. That’s just not the world I want to leave behind. 

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